Happy New Year! 2017 was a wonderful year of growth and positive change for many, and we are grateful to have been apart of so many individual journey. 

The Fulcrum Training Hall v1.0 location was officially packed up into storage on December 31st. Thank you so much to the many helping hands that worked tirelessly over the last few weeks to help clear out the space and move our equipment and belongings - you know who you are. The support of the community means so much to us, and our gratitude cannot be expressed fully enough.

Whats next? We are so excited to continue our journey at FTH v2.0. Our intention is to further refine and develop our craft in a safe, welcoming place where strength matters and connection is developed in many ways. To this end, we will spend the next week unpacking into the new space, and return to regular hours on Monday, January 8th. Please see the schedule online for more details on our hours of operation. We are thrilled about the new space and appreciate your flexibility and patience while we get things settled and ready for the next piece of this grand adventure!

Love, Michael, Emily, Hope, and Lulu.

